Ten on Tuesday

Published January 17, 2012 by kazkitty

Haven’t done this in a while.. but I’m home on the couch after a visit to the dentist which involved lots of drilling and poking..

Today’s Topic: 10 Things To Do Inside When It’s Too Cold To Go Outside

Perfect because I hate the cold and like to be inside when it’s not warm and sunny out. ;p


2. Knit. (of course)

3. Spin.

4. Attempt to play with Cricket loom.

5. Harass the cats.

6. Make some homemade soup. (totally my plan for later today)

7. Catch up on TV Shows via Netflix.

8. Do all the housework I’ve been avoiding.

9. Curl up with a mug of hot tea and a book.

10. When in doubt.. sleep some more.

And just so this post isn’t completely pictureless… here’s a bunny!


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